Uncategorised2024 State Budget – Impact on property owners

8 May 2024
  • A shared equity program designed to help aspiring first home buyers enter a prohibitive housing market will be cut off in a year.
    • It was in and now its out
  • Dumping rubbish will cost Victorians an extra half a billion dollars over three years under an increase to the state’s waste levy.
    • This levy (TAX) will impact all homeowners landowners and landlords
  • Ratepayers can expect to hand over an extra $591 million over the next four years under an expansion of the fire services property levy (TAX).
    • Ditto ditto ditto

All this is on top of the land tax squeeze on every Victoria landowner. 

Homeowners landowners and landlords are the easy target for budget repair

However, the level of actual repair is minuscule as a percentage of total state government debt.  Its a drop